The Catchment of the Laura and Normanby Rivers covers approximately 1,517,300 hectares or 586,080 km2, spanning the central base of Cape York Peninsula. The Laura-Normanby Catchment area covers a vast and relatively undeveloped area encompassing extensive riverine and wetland systems, one of Queenland’s largest conservation areas (Lakefield National Park), numerous sacred aboriginal sites, good cattle country, and productive agricultural lands.
The Laura-Normanby River in southeast Cape York is the fourth largest river system flowing into the Great Barrier Reef. The Laura-Normanby Catchment Area covers an extensive and relatively undeveloped area consisting of numerous riverine and wetland systems, one of Queensland‟s largest conservation areas (Lakefield National Park), sacred aboriginal sites, cattle grazing country and rich agricultural land. The East and West Normanby, Kennedy, Jack and Laura River systems all join to form the Laura-Normanby catchment area.
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The Cape York Marine Advisory Group (CYMAG) and South Cape York Catchments (SCYC) monitored ambient water quality in the Annan & Endeavour Rivers between July 2002 and May 2009, and the Jeannie River between 2007 and 2009. The Annan & Endeavour Rivers are located near Cooktown in southeast Cape York Peninsula between latitude 15º 11’ to the north and 15º 53’ to the south, and longitude 145º 00’ to 145 º 21’. The Jeannie River is an undeveloped catchment located 50 km north of Cooktown at 14° 39’ and 144° 55’.
The Normanby Catchment Water Quality Management Plan is written in accordance with the Australian Government’s Framework for Marine and Estuarine Water Quality Protection (the Framework) (DEWHA 2002) and has been funded by the Australian Government Reef Rescue program. This Plan has been produced to identify water quality impacts and to prioritise actions required to maintain or improve water quality in the Normanby catchment and receiving waters. Recent research by CYMAG Environmental (Howley 2010) and Griffith University (Brooks et al.